Women's History Month at NVC

Women's History Month (WHM)

March 2024


NVC’s Women’s History Month Committee is proud to present this series of feminist programming for March 2024 Events are open to all. There are opportunities to attend lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, and participate in creative and dance workshops. Programming details and registration links are below, contact the faculty leads with questions.


The mission of the Women’s History Month Committee is to recognize the scholarly, artistic, professional, and activist contributions of women. Our mission is also to recognize women’s work and women’s issues including how they intersect with race, class, and sexuality. To do so, we aim to provide space for educational events from a feminist perspective, promoting a commitment to diversity and aiming to achieve social justice and women’s empowerment. We also participate in or involve our campus in service related to furthering these goals.

Women’s History Month Research Guide: http://nvcguides.libguides.com/c.php?g=1127078

Black Feminism Research Guide: http://nvcguides.libguides.com/BlackFeminism

Reproductive Rights Research Guide: http://nvcguides.libguides.com/ReproductiveRights

Women Artists Research Guide: http://nvcguides.libguides.com/c.php?g=330358&p=2217411



March 1-31 - Foreign Film Screenings to Celebrate Women’s History
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Feminism and Foreign Films

sponsored by the World Languages Department and the NVC Library

Date: March 1-31

Faculty Contact: Pilar Damron, mdamron@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
World language together with the NVC Library will host a series of films in their original version, French, Spanish and German, where the main protagonists, women from different backgrounds and cultures, show their struggles.

March 1-31 - WHM Poster Display at NVC
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

WHM Poster Display at NVC

Drop-in to LOH to view the poster display during regular hours

Date: March 1-31 month long drop in event

Location for Event:
LOH (Live Oak Hall)

Faculty Contacts: Rachael Bower rbower3@kylepruzinamusic.com, Sabrina Carey scarey5@kylepruzinamusic.com, Renata Gibson rgibson13@kylepruzinamusic.com, Rose Rodriguez rrodriguez679@kylepruzinamusic.com, & Caroline Castellanos ccastellanos25@kylepruzinamusic.com

March 4 - The ERA Project: The Power of Women’s Liberation Movement
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

The ERA Project: The Power of Women’s Liberation Movement

Date: Monday, March 4, 12:30pm-1:45pm

Location: Recital Hall (PCA-107)

Faculty Contact: Dr. Minkyung Lee, mlee143@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:

The ERA Project is a newly written set of songs for soprano and piano composed by Rain Nox with texts by Maureen Broy Papovich. The songs offer sublime music as they explore the passage of the 19th amendment of the US Constitution, the history of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and the National Women’s Party. The songs highlight the contributions of Ms. Papovich’s grandmother, Cecil Norton Broy (1890-1977), and provide reflections about the women’s movement today.

Ms. Papovich was inspired to write about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) because of her grandmother, Cecil, who worked beside Alice Paul as the Political Chair Person of the National Women’s Party for 25 years. This concert presentation features Maureen Broy Popovich, soprano, and Jeanne Sasaki on the piano. Ms. Papovich will include a short lecture and slide show presentation as she discusses some of the history of the women’s movement, relevant facts as well as personal history and perspectives on the current movement.

Ms. Papovich and Ms. Nox hope to bring attention to this important and ongoing fight for equality in the Constitution through the ERA. Hosted by the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument in Washington D.C., the ERA Project premiered (virtually) on August 23, 2020 and premiered in Bend, Oregon in May 2022.

March 5 & 7 - Pioneering Women of Dance series, Introduction to the Graham technique
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Pioneering Women of Dance series, Introduction to the Graham technique

Date: Tuesday & Thursday, March 5 & 7, 12:30 - 1:45pm

Location: PCA-108

Faculty Contact: Brittany Lopez, blopez128@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Hands-on workshop with Violeta De Leon Davila

March 06 - Q&A with Samira Thompson, DDS. Oral Surgeon and Army Veteran
March 6 - Q&A with Dr. Samira Thompson
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Q&A with Samira Thompson, DDS. Oral Surgeon and Army Veteran

Date: Wednesday, March 6, 1:00pm

Location: MLH 235

Faculty Contact: Yael Edrey, yedrey1@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Speaker:
Dr. Samira Thompson is a proud native Texan and attended Health Careers High School. She earned her bachelor’s in biology, graduating Summa Cum Laude from UTSA and graduated UT Health Science Center San Antonio dental school and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Subsequently, she entered active-duty service in the United States Army.

Dr. Thompson completed a 12-month Advanced education general dentistry (AEGD) residency and an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residency at Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center. She served as residency faculty and assistant program director educating both Army and Air Force oral surgery residents at two different programs, performed research at the United States Army Institute of Surgical Research and trained others at the Veterans Medical Center in San Antonio. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

More About this Event:
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Samira Thompson for a Q&A. Students will hear about her education, path and experiences. Dr. Thompson is a proud native Texan and attended Health Careers High School. She earned her bachelor’s in biology, graduating Summa Cum Laude from UTSA and graduated UT Health Science Center San Antonio dental school and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Subsequently, she entered active-duty service in the United States Army. She completed advanced education general dentistry (AEGD) residency and an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residency at Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center. She served as residency faculty and assistant program director educating both Army and Air Force oral surgery residents at two different programs, performed research at the United States Army Institute of Surgical Research and trained others at the Veterans Medical Center in San Antonio. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

March 06 - Pioneering Women in Dance: Famous Dancers in March
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Pioneering Women in Dance: Famous Dancers in March

Date: Wednesday, March 6, 12:30pm-1:45pm

Location: PCA-108

Faculty Contact: Brittany Lopez, blopez128@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Dawn Davis Loring will lead a discussion about famous dancers born in March. Q&A to follow.

March 18 - From PhD to MD - Q&A with Dr. Yun Shi
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

From PhD to MD - Q&A with Dr. Yun Shi

Date: Monday, March 18, 9:30am

Location: MLH 235 A&B

Faculty Contacts: Yael Edrey, yedrey1@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
What is the difference between an MD and a PhD? Join us in welcoming Dr. Yun Shi who has completed both at UT Health Science Center. Dr. Shi will discuss her path, career and will answer student questions regarding how to apply to each program, tips and recommendations for career paths and more. This event is open to anyone interested in a career in research or medicine… or both!

March 19 & 28 - Pioneering Women of Dance series, Introduction to the Dunham technique
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Pioneering Women of Dance series, Introduction to the Dunham technique

Date: Tuesday & Thursday, March 19 & 28, 12:30pm-1:45pm

Location: PCA-108

Faculty Contact: Brittany Lopez, blopez128@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Hands on with Robin Getter

March 20 - Jovita Idar: A Champion of the People No Longer Neglected
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Jovita Idar: A Champion of the People No Longer Neglected

Come learn about the bravery and brilliance of Jovita Idar through a panel discussion with UTSA professor, Dr. Gabriel Gonzalez, and OLLU professor, Dr. Christopher Carmona.

Date: Wednesday, March 20, 11:00am-12:15pm

Location: MZH-203 Innovation Center & Zoom

Zoom Link: http://alamo.zoom.us/s/94735372583

Faculty Contact: Corina González Stout, cgonzalez-stout@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
The goal for this event is to first and foremost impart knowledge about Jovita Idar and her heroism. In addition, other topics of conversation in this panel discussion will involve recent efforts to include Idar and her contributions in our collective and public histories, as well as more general efforts to provide fuller historical narratives of the contributions of Idar and other long-overlooked Latinas in American history.

March 21 - Sojourner Truth Memorial Gathering at NVC
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Sojourner Truth Memorial Gathering at NVC

Date: Thursday, March 21, 10:00am-10:30am

Location: MZH patio and garden

Contacts: Rachael Bower rbower3@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
All are invited to meet at Sojourner Truth's Memorial in Manzanillo Hall's Community Peace Garden. Black Student Union member Tanay Thomas will lead us in a reading about Truth as we reflect upon her contributions to civil rights, women's rights, and honor her enduring legacy. Zines for further learning will be distributed and available digitally (contact rbower3@kylepruzinamusic.com to request).

March 22 - Marie Curie: a woman who changed the world
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Marie Curie: a woman who changed the world

Date: Friday, March 22, 12:00pm-1:00pm

Location: Zoom

Zoom Link:

Faculty Contact: Martha Bagge, mbagge1@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Marie Curie: Her genius and incomparable desire to learn would lead her to leave her homeland of Poland and study in Paris. There, her intellectual journey would define her legacy. The first woman to win the Nobel Prize, not once but twice. She was a woman with many firsts, a scientist, a pioneer, paving the way for future women scientists.

Zoom Link:

March 25 - Christine de Pizan and early feminism
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Christine de Pizan and Early Feminism

Date: Monday, March 25, 9:00am-10:00am

Location: Zoom

Zoom Link:

Faculty Contact: Ann-Marie Roy, aroy9@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Christine de Pizan, a French writer from the Middle Ages, managed to advocate for the advancement of women's rights way before the creation of the first feminist movements. Through her writings and the example that she set (Madame de Pizan was earning her own money to support herself and her children), this remarkable lady paved the way for women to reach gender equality.

March 25 - Women in the Military Panel
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Women in the Military Panel

Date: Monday, March 25, 11:00am-12:00pm

Location: Library Classroom LRC 116 and Zoom option

Zoom Link:

Staff Contacts:
Dr. Darcy Keane, dhogan4@kylepruzinamusic.com and
Amanda Gorrell, agorrell2@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Celebrating Women Who Served Panel Discussion

March 26 - Hypatia of Alexandria: The First Female Scientist
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Hypatia of Alexandria: The First Female Scientist

Date: Tuesday, March 26, 1-2pm

Location: Zoom

Zoom Link:

Faculty Contact: Pilar Damron, mdamron@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Learn about Hypatia of Alexandria with Pilar Damron. Philosopher and mathematician, Hypatia was one of the most admired and hated women in Alexandria (Egypt) during the 4th century. Hypatia made extraordinary accomplishments for a woman in her time. An exceptional orator, she was credited with the invention of the astrolabe and influencing early thoughts in mathematics. Unfortunately, she lived in a convulsive time of confrontation between Christians and pagans, religion and science. Hypatia was brutally murdered by religious fanatics who saw her knowledge as a display of witchcraft.

March 27 - Centered: Discussion with Sadie Red-Wing
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Centered: Discussion with Sadie Red-Wing

Date: Wednesday, March 27, 11:00am

Location: Zoom

Zoom Link: http://alamo.zoom.us/j/96981451244

Faculty Contact: Ralph Mendez, rmendez62@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
Discussion with Sadie Red-Wing.

March 28 - Invisible Monsters and Visible Children: Motherhood in Spanish Novels
The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee presents:

Invisible Monsters and Visible Children: Motherhood in Spanish Novels

Date: Thursday, March 28, 12:00pm-1:00pm

Location: Zoom

Zoom Link:

Faculty Contact: Kelly Shipman, kshipman5@kylepruzinamusic.com

About the Event:
The Spanish film El Orfanato (2007) offers distinct perspectives of mothers, women, and their roles in society. Through different lenses, we can gain an understanding of how women and mothers are depicted in contemporary Spanish films, allowing us to better appreciate how gender is constructed it comes to mothers and women.

For Making Northwest Vista College Women's History Month 2024 Happen, Special Thanks To:

The NVC Women's History Month Planning Committee
Northwest Vista College Student Activity Fee
Northwest Vista College Marketing & Strategic Communications
NVC's Mexican American Studies Program
NVC's Digital, Video, Cinema DVCP Program